Thankyou for signing up to HODLASSETS.EXCHANGE, If you are a magazine entrepreneur in New York or a student in the Sudan or starting a band in Iceland. HODLASSETS.EXCHANGE brings the universal community together ..... to help you fund your dream. With the vision comes the rewards of hard work and ongoing community support. HODLASSETS.EXCHANGE is selling 50% of HODLASSETS.EXCHANGE to fund the foundation of this new venture. 12000 assets in total. 6000 for sale @$8USD and asset. 3000 on DIGI-BROKER. 3000 through HODLASSETS.EXCHANGE. Returns; 1.Assets holders will receive 50% of profits till their investments are 100% reimbursed. 2.A further 50% of all profits till investors receive another 100% profit. 3.Then the shares will be diluted to 10% of the company. 4.And initial investors will keep 10% of HODLASSETS.EXCHANGE ongoing, for the life of HODLASSETS.EXCHANGE. Welcome to block chain.