DIGIBYTE...the world's longest, fastest and most secure UTXO blockchain in existence. This Asset is to commemorate and memorialize DIGIBYTE, from its launch in January 10th 2014, until October 2019. Also some current stats about our favorite cryptocurrency, so we can look back in 1,5,and 10 years to see how far this Digibyte community has made it .
October 7th 2019
Live DGB Price (BTC):0.00000095USD 0.0078821455 24hr USDVol. $3376281.03571 100DGB=$0.79
Current Supply:12.3 Billion Digibytes
Max Total Supply:21 Billion DigiBytes in 21 Years(2014-2035) #DIGIID
DigiByte is a public, rapidly growing and highly decentralized blockchain. DigiBytes are digital assets that cannot be destroyed, counterfeited or hacked, making them ideal for protecting objects of value like currency, information, property or important digital data.