Syncing blockchain...

Sync up to block 11,362,317 (-7,797,359 blocks behind)

What is a DigiAsset?

DigiAssets v3 is a secure, scalable layer on top of the DigiByte Blockchain that allows for the decentralized issuance of digital assets, tokens, digital identity and more.

Is the data stored on-chain?

Some DigiAsset data such as asset type, amount transfered, rules and votes are stored on-chain. DigiAsset metadata like name, description and images are stored using the IPFS Protocol among a pool network.

Run a DigiAsset Node

DigiAsset v3 is a public and descentralized protocol. Compile and run DigiAsset Core on your own computer on top of an instalation of DigiByte Core. With this, you will be part of the DigiAsset network and will help to maintain DigiAsset metadata.

Where does this data come from?

The data provided by the explorer is fetched from an instance of DigiAsset Core. Its development has been done on its entirely by Matthew Cornellise you can support his job by donating to the fundraise here.