Digibat's Character Code


Asset ID
Issuance Height
Current & Total Supply
0 / 1

Digibat's Character code, using base64 sprite sheet images and HTML5 canvas. The javascript code loads several images and creates a sprite sheet animation that can move left and right, and fly from a platform.

- It creates an HTML canvas element and sets its width and height.
- It defines several variables, including images for the background, platform, and character sprites, as well as variables for the character's direction, current sprite, flying state, and movement parameters.
- It adds event listeners for key presses (Left arrow, Right arrow, and Space bar), which change the character's direction and sprite.
- It defines an animate function, which loads the sprite images, sets up animation parameters, and starts a loop that calls update and render functions.
- The update function updates the character's position based on its direction and movement parameters, and handles flying.
- The render function clears the canvas, draws the background and platform, and draws the current sprite at the character's position.
- The loop function repeatedly calls the update and render functions using requestAnimationFrame, creating an animation loop.



Name Type
icon image/png
description text/html
2 file(s) found


1 version(s) found


1 issuance(s) found


Address Holdings
0 holder(s) found